Projekt KEŠET

About us ?
There is no need of big words..
We are a while two, four and a while thirty people, always on case by case. We are not facebook, so the number of souls (and friends) is not so much great matter. We are here  only to succesfully transfer the mystery and magic of Jewish epitaphs among "regular" users of the universe, to inspire those who want to know more about, and to cooperate with all who choose to continue, because each "Crown of the righteous" still need a lovinghand.

How we do it? With love and enthusiasm. Some past four years cooperated with us financially and methodically the Jewish Museum in Prague. However their researche is a bit differnt today, because their data are not  determined to be available publicly and also the way hot to process them on web differs. The second source how to support our job are yours occasional gifts (mitzwot). But the money isn´t the most important thing. Though we are able thanks them to get either translations into Englisch or buy the schemas of graveyaerd-dispositions, your interest and possibly even your co-working is far more important than money.

For contact us
E- mail: 
For support us - bank account: 1037002282/5500

KESHET databáze židovských h?bitov?, Kešet, židovské h?bitovy, Projekt Chewra, ?echy, ?echách, Morava, Morav?, ?eské, Moravské, h?bitov, poh?bívání, symbolika, judaismus